Henry Thomas Fuller was born in 1843 in Ash, Kent to Charles Francis Fuller and Mary Jane Spratt. His birth was registered in the Eastry registration district (which Ash was a part of between 1837-1941.)
At the time of the 1851 census Henry lived in Princes Court, King St, Margate:
1. Chs Fns Fuller, Head, married, age 28, Mariner, born Margate, Kent.
2. Mary June Fuller, Wife, Married, age 28, Mariners Wife, born Ash, Kent. (NB I think her middle name was misspelled)
3. Henry Thoms Fuller, Son, age 7, Scholar, born Ash, Kent
4. Mary June Fuller, Daugh, age 4, at home, born Margate, Kent
5. Thomas Charles Fuller, Son, age 1, born Margate, Kent.
(1851 Census: HO 107/1629, Folio 359, Page 7, Parish of St John the Baptist, Margate, Kent.)
In 1853 when Henry was 14 he lost his father who died on the Lugger the Victory, which went to save the American ship the Northern Belle. This left Henry as the the eldest child of 7 siblings. See blog post.
The 1861 census lists Henry at Church St, Margate:
1. Jane Fuller, Widow, age 40, Laundress, born Margate, Kent.
2. Henry Fuller, Son, unmarried, age 18, Labourer, born Margate, Kent.
3. Mary Fuller, Daugh, unmarried, age 14, born Margate.
4. John Fuller, Son, age 9, born Margate.
5. Thomas Fuller, Son, age 9 born Margate.
6. Robert Fuller, Son, age 9, born Margate.
7. Charles Fuller, Son, age 4, born Margate.
(RG9, Piece: 534, Folio: 41, Page: 6, Parish of St Johns, Margate.)
In 1868 he married Elizabeth Ann Edwards in Thanet. I believe Elizabeth already had an illegitimate daughter called Sarah Jane Edwards born 1866 in Thanet and baptised 15.7.1866 at St John the Baptist Church, Margate.
Sarah Jane can be seen staying with Elizabeth’s sister Mary Christiana Edwards (who had then married and was known as ‘Christiana Batchelor’) in 1871. Sarah Jane Edwards was listed as her niece age 4.
Henry and Elizabeth had the following children:
- William Henry Thomas Fuller, bp 3.3.1869 St John the Baptist Church, Margate, fathers profession: Labourer, abode: Margate; buried 9.3.1869 aged 2 1/2 months. NB The baptism was a private baptism which often meant the baptism of a person (adult or infant) who might die before being able to attend the church for a public baptism.
- Sarah Ann Fuller, b. 25.6.1875 bp 3.10.1875 St John the Baptist Church, Margate.
- Elizabeth Maria Fuller, b. 21.11.1877 Thanet, bp. 4.11.1881 St John the Baptist Church. Margate, fathers profession: Labourer, abode: Victoria Rd, Margate (Elizabeth was baptised at same time as her sister Bertha).
- Bertha Agnes Fuller, b. 1881 Thanet, bp. 4.11.1881 St John the Baptist Church, Margate
- Frederick George Fuller b. 1887 Thanet. (staying with Christiana Batchelor in 1891- This child may or may not belong to Henry as he was in prison for 5 years from 1883)

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I found the following in the Kentish Gazette 26 April 1870 referring to Henry and his mother Mary Jane Fuller (also known by her middle name):
Assaulting a Constable-At the Borough Magistrates sitting on Wednesday; a widow named Jane Fuller was charged before George E Hannam; T Blackburn and J.B Flint Esqrs with assaulting Police Constable Chas. Harlow in the executing of his duty, on the 16th inst. Fined 10s and 8s 6d costs, or 14 days hard labour.
The son, Henry Fuller, had been brought up on the previous Monday on charges of being drunk and assaulting police constables Millgate and Harlow in the execution of their duty, and sentenced to 7 days for the first and 21 days for the 2nd offence.
So I guess his mother set an example then!
In 1871 Henry and Elizabeth Ann were living at 4 Journeymans Court, Church Alley, Margate. Source: Class: RG10; Piece: 991; Folio: 69; Page: 30; GSU roll: 838723:
- Jesse Fox (Head), Widower, age 74, Mariner, born Margate
- Henrietta Lewis (House keeper) Widow, age 63, Charwoman, born Margate
- Henry Fuller (Lodger) Married, age 27, General Labourer, born Ash nr Sandwich
- Elizabeth A Fuller, (Lodgers wife), married, age 26, Charwoman born Margate
April 7th 1880: Henry in trouble again!
Henry was tried in court before F.J Smith Esq, Recorder. The committing magistrate was R. Wood Esq. Margate:
Henry Fuller, age 38 Labourer, once before convicted of Felony and 5 times summarily convicted.
Offence: Obtaining by false pretences 17s. 6d. the money of John Francis Brown at St John the Baptist on March 1st 1880.
Verdict: Guilty of obtaining money by false pretenses.
Sentence of the court: 3 calendar months hard labour HM Prison Canterbury.
Degree of Instruction: N (cannot read or write).
Date of warrant: 1880 March 2nd; Received into custody March 3rd 1880.
Tried April 7th 1880.
Particulars of previous convictions charged in the indictment and proved in court:
Dec 28th 1872 stealing 10s. (C.J.A) 3 months
Source: A Calendar Of Prisoners Tried At The General Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Series: HO140; Piece number: 50; Record set: Crime, Prisons & Punishment; Category: Institutions & organisations; Record collection: Prison registers; Collections from Great Britain.
Census 1881: 37 Victoria Rd, Margate, Kent:
- Henry Fuller (Head) married, age 38, General Labourer, born Ash, Kent
- Elizabeth Fuller (Wife) age 37, born Margate, Kent
- Sarah A Fuller (Daughter) age 5, born Margate, Kent
- Elizabeth Fuller (Daughter) age 3, born Margate, Kent
22nd Oct 1888: Henry can’t keep out of mischief….
Tried before the Recorder. The committing magistrate: HF Hermitage Esq, Margate:
Henry Fuller age 46, Labourer.
Offence: Stealing a silver watch and chain and other articles value: 2. 8s. the property of Sarah Jane Edwards at Saint John the Baptist Margate. (N.B Sarah Jane Edwards being his step-daughter! Or perhaps his illegitimate child.)
Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: 6 Calender months: HM Prison Canterbury.
Degree of Instruction: N (Cannot read or write.)
2nd August 1888 (Date of warrant and received into custody.)
Tried 22nd Oct 1888 found guilty of Larceny after a previous conviction.
28 days; 19th April 1870 (drunk and assaulting police) Margate.
7 days 8th Feb 1872 (unlawfully depositing soil) Margate. (NB I wonder if soil meant garden soil or perhaps human soil?!)
3 calender months 31st December 1872 (stealing 10s.) Margate.
21 days 4th Oct 1876 (assault) Margate.
1 month 30th Oct 1879 (want of Sureties) Margate.
3 calender Months 7th Apri; 1880 (obtaining 7s. 6d. by false pretences) Margate sessions.
5 years Penal servitude 4th April 1883 (House breaking) Margate Sessions.
Source: A Calendar Of Prisoners Tried At The General Quarter Sessions Of The Peace, Series: HO140, Piece number: 104, Record set: Crime, Prisons & Punishment, Category: Institutions & organisations, Record collection: Prison registers, Collections from Great Britain.
Margate, 1891 census, 2 Sollys Cottages, Margate, Kent. Source: Class: RG12; Piece: 727; Folio: 78; Page: 11; GSU Roll: 6095837:
- Henry Fuller (Head) married, age 46, General Labourer (employed), born Margate, Kent
- Elizabeth Fuller (Wife), age 42, Charwoman, born Margate, Kent
- Elizabeth Fuller (Daughter) age 13, Scholar, born Margate, Kent
- Bertha Fuller (Daughter) age 7, scholar, born Margate, Kent
In 1897 his daughter Sarah Ann Fuller married and gave her fathers profession as ‘General Dealer’ A euphemism perhaps?! Her husband’s fathers profession was given as ‘horse dealer’

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Jan 5th 1904: Henry still up to mischief age 66:
Tried before A.J.Tassell, and others. Committing Magistrate: H.B. Hammond, Esq, Ramsgate.
Henry Fuller, age 66, labourer.
Offence as charged in the Indictment: Feloniously stealing one sheet and four waistbands, together value 4s., the goods of the Guardians of the Poor of the Isle of Thanet Union, on the 5th December 1903, at Minster, Thanet.
Jury’s verdict: Guilty.
Sentence or Order of the Court: Three months hard labour.
When tried: Jan 5th 1904.
Degree of Instruction: Imp (can read and write imperfectly) .
Date of Warrant: 8th Dec 1903.
When received into custody: 8th Dec 1903.
Particulars of previous convictions charged in the Indictment and proved in court:
Borough of Margate Petty Sessions, 31st March, 1896, two months hard labour.
3 months hard labour, Margate Petty Sessions, 28th December, 1872 (stealing money).
3 Month hard labour, Margate Quarter Sessions, 7th April, 1880, (obtaining money by false pretences).
5 years penal servitude, Margate Quarter Sessions, 4th April, 1883 (house breaking).
6 calendar months hard labour, Margate Petty Sessions, 22nd Oct, 1888 (stealing a watch and chain).
1 Month hard labour, Margate Petty Sessions, 9th December, 1800 (stealing a coat).
1 Day, Margate Petty Sessions, 11th March 1906 (Stealing theatrical articles).
2 Months hard labour, Margate Petty Sessions, 31st March 1896 (stealing a meat safe).
And 15 summary convictions for drunk and disorderly, assault, using obscene language and threats.
Source: Henry Fuller Age 66, Labourer, Birth year: 1838, Year: 1904 5th Jan, Place: Kent Court St Augustine’s. A Calendar Of Prisoners Tried At The General Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Series: HO140 Piece number: 232, Record set: Crime, Prisons & Punishment Category: Institutions & organisations Record collection: Prison registers Collections from Great Britain.
1901 census for Henry Fuller and Elizabeth (both in the Workhouse at Minster.)
Ash, Kent genealogy and family history resources
Margate, Kent genealogy and family history resources
Life in Kent Gaols before 1877
The Session House and Gaol, Canterbury