3 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Sarah Hines

    Hi there

    I found your website by searching my Great Great Great Grandmother Maria Harcour.
    Its fantastic! More information than ive found that’s for sure! My Mum thinks Harcour is maybe French? But Maria isn’t, so we are really wondering what her heritage is. But like you cant find anything else about it.

    We already knew that Henry Fuller was a bit of a Rogue too! But we only thought he was in prison twice. Obviously not! That’s amazing what you’ve found out! Thank you!

    We are the relation of Henry and Elizabeth’s daughter Elizabeth Maria, she then had Ethel Newing, who had my Mum Susan Solly and then me Sarah Hines.

    Are you a relation?

    Its all amazing to know about! And the illegitimate children!

    All the best


  2. admin Post author

    Hey Sarah!
    Glad you’ve found the info useful! I’ve sent you an email with more information as l believe we are related! Maria Harcour is my 3rd Great Grandmother and Elizabeth Maria Fuller is my 2nd Great Aunt! 🙂

  3. Andrew A Matthews

    I am Andrew Arthur Matthews currently researching my paternal family line that has led me to Walmer. In 1927 the Who’ s Who publication state that WILLIAM MATTHEWS 1819-1871 lived in Walmer howver internet search has drawn a blank. Another name and most probably connected to my line is of ARNOLD HARRIS MATHEW who is said to have lived at a Lees Cottage circa early 20th C.

    Please do get back to me with any help or advice

    Best regards


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