‘Dear Sis, you were an old dear to send me another postcard. So pleased to hear you are having such a nice time’
Postcard to Miss Aubrey, Bohella, High Road, Woodford, Essex
Sender: Her sister. Postmarked Southampton, 27 Sep 1907

‘Hope you are quite well, shall be home on Thurs Eve, with love A.G.H’
Postcard to Miss Post? or Port?
(hard to read)
Thornhill Lodge, Ashurst Wood, East Grinstead, Sussex.
Sender: A.G.H.
Postmarked Brighton 11 April 1906

‘Dear Bertha, was pleased to hear you arrived safe, how nice for you staying at a farm house, it does seem funny without you, we miss you very much, hope you will have a good time,
much love and kisses, Nellie’
Postcard to Miss Bertha Carpenter, ℅ Mrs Summers, Home Farm, Sulhamstead, nr Reading, Berkshire
Sender: Nellie.
Postmarked 12 Aug 1909, West Norwood, SE

‘Hope you are having a nice time. I am only here with friends, how glorious the weather is, yours Ray’
Postcard sent to Miss Burnett, Eggleton, Nr Ledbury, Hertfordshire
Sender: Ray. Postmarked Sept 1906

‘My dear E, I thought you might find room in your P.C album for this view. Do hope you are well. Pleased to tell you we are A.1′
Postcard to Mrs J Candy? The Rise, Dunmow Rd, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire
Sender: Dulcie? and Harry. Postmarked 1 Sept 1910 Leytons

‘Will it be convenient for us to come next Tuesday? Sorry I have not written before but have been away – Guildford only returned Tuesday. Hope you are all keeping well – Let me know soon about Tuesday – Love to all, Agnes’
Postcard sent to Miss Harris, ‘Detroit’ 53 Kingscourt Rd, Streatham, SW
Sender: Agnes, 16/2/1911

‘Wishing you a happy new year’
Postcard sent to Miss Clarry, Railway Tavern, Liverpool St, London
Sender: A